The Health Aesthetic -

Are you tired of low energy, poor sleep, brain fog and relying on coffee to get you through the day?
Are you battling cravings and struggling with weight issues?
It can be hard to prioritise yourself when life is so busy, but by not making your health a priority you could be holding yourself back!
What would your life look like if you had more energy, quality sleep, mental clarity and felt good about yourself inside and out?

I believe in looking at health holistically. Every aspect of your life can influence your health and whether that impact is positive or negative is up to you. My coaching style is not aimed at telling you what to do and expecting you to blindly follow. My goal is to help you to stop, think, and realise what is holding you back from achieving your health ideal. We will then create a plan together to implement realistic and achievable changes to your lifestyle. Health Coaching will provide you with education, support, and accountability so you can make the changes you need to improve your health and wellbeing.

There is so much information out there about what is and is not healthy and much of it is conflicting and confusing. This can be because health advice is often generalised and disregards how we are all unique and have different needs depending on age, sex, environment, and lifestyle. Health Coaches are trained to be able to do the research for you and give you real answers on how to live a healthy lifestyle according to your own personal needs.

You have the answers within you. You want to make the change. You know there is a better way to live. You know that being tired, stressed and sick is not “normal”, as some would have you believe. Health Coaching will help you see the changes you want to make and put them in to action, along with providing resources and accountability to support you along the way.

Our Aim
I empower busy women like you to improve your long-term health by modelling simple, sustainable, and healthy habits. Using a collaborative approach, I will work with you to set goals in place that are realistic in the short-term and sustainable in the long-term, ensuring you have all the information you need to feel sure you’re making the right choices and making sure you feel supported every step of the way.
Health Coaching Packages
Find the perfect package to begin your journey towards health and healing. Book a free discovery call or send me a message to find out more!
New Beginnings
2 Weeks

Do you want to know more about approaching health holistically? Are you curious about how it can improve your energy, mood, gut health, hormonal health, body shape and even your skin?

New Beginnings is a short course for those who would like to dip their toe in and understand the benefits of working on their health in a holistic way.

What’s Included?

A 1:1 consultation to assess your habits, health concerns and look at what obstacles are standing in your way.

A personalised action plan: this will lay out your first, sustainable steps to achieving your health ideal, along with information and resources to support and affirm the changes you want to make.

A follow-up 1:1 session after 2 weeks where I will assess your progress, discuss what is working and provide you with any additional resources you may need in a follow-up email.

Firm Foundation
6 Weeks

Jim Rohn once spoke the famous words, “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” A strong house starts with a firm foundation. If you are ready to create sustainable habits and see real changes to your health and wellbeing for the long term, this program will provide you with the tools and ongoing support you need.

What’s Included?

A 1:1 consultation taking your full health history to gain a deep understanding of your lifestyle, habits, health concerns and obstacles standing in your way.

A personalised action to set in place realistic and achievable habits to last a lifetime, along with information and resources.

Follow up 1:1 session with me every 2 weeks to assess your progress, what’s working and what isn’t. Providing support, accountability, and any additional resources you may need.

Free gift to help you along your journey to health.

Access to me via WhatsApp and email for 6 weeks. Ask me anything you want to know, and I will respond toyour questions and concerns at least once per week.

Chronic Wellness
3 Months

Are you tired of accepting poor health, poor sleep, and low energy as the norm? Are you tired of being told by your GP that your only solutions are to medicate your symptoms without addressing the root cause of your health concerns? You are more than just your symptoms.

This program will help you take control of your health and make it a priority by learning about your habits, your triggers and become an expert in your own body and wellbeing.

What’s included?

A 1:1 consultation taking your full health history to gain a deep understanding of your lifestyle, habits, health concerns and obstacles standing in your way.

A personalised action to set in place realistic and achievable habits to last a lifetime, along with information and resources.

Follow up 1:1 session with me every 2 weeks to assess your progress, what’s working and what isn’t, formulate new goals along the way and be held accountable as well as being supported.

Free gift to help you along your journey to health.

Access to me via WhatsApp and email for 3 months. Ask me anything you want to know, and I will respond to your questions and concerns at least once per week.

Our Founder

Eden Haning is a certified CNM Health Coach and member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners. After struggling for years with issues due to poor health and hormonal imbalances, she grew fed up. She could not accept that being chronically fatigued and suffering with severe PMS symptoms were “normal” and to be expected, or that the only option was to take medication to treat her symptoms, without any real exploration into finding the root cause. Determined to resolve these imbalances, she dedicated herself to learning all she could about nutrition and female health to optimise her own health and restore her hormones to balance. She was amazed by what she discovered, but also incredibly frustrated by what she was not taught about her body and wellness in school or from doctors. Her desire became to share with others what she had been able to achieve with her own health and went on to study at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London and received a Diploma in Health Coaching in 2022.

Testimony from Eden

An innocent piece of advice I once offered changed my life. I was working as a barista in a small café when I was living in England, and I noticed that my boss was always complaining about feeling cold. I mean, it’s England and it’s always cold so I didn’t think much of it at first. But after a while, seeing him always wearing a jumper and using a heater in his office even when the weather was mild, I wondered if he had an underactive thyroid. I suggested he go to a doctor to get that checked out.

Soon after he came to me and told me he had taken my advice; he had seen his doctor and they had done some tests. Low and behold, his thyroid was fine. However, after doing some blood tests it turned out that he was pre-diabetic, and his iron levels were so low that he was anaemic (that might explain why he was cold). This left him understandably concerned. Being passionate about the power of nutrition and lifestyle I said to him,

“You know, you can reverse these issues nutritionally.”

He looked at me with wide eyes and said back to me a single word that would change my life forever,


I was so excited that I stayed up until midnight writing up a plan for him to lower his blood sugar levels and increase his iron. I included meal ideas, what foods cause blood sugar spikes, a list of foods that were high in bioavailable iron, information about fasting and warnings against turning to artificial sweeteners. It was about 3-4 pages long.

When I gave him this informational pamphlet/action plan he was shocked and pleased I had gone to so much effort (he even printed one off for his wife). He followed my plan quite strictly and often asked me for advice and additional information along the way. He had a doctor’s appointment in 6 weeks’ time as his doctor said he may have to go on diabetic medication if things did not improve.

6 weeks went by, he saw his doctor and I was so eager to know the results. He told me his fasting blood glucose was back within a safe range, as were his iron levels (Not to mention he had lost 11 pounds). I could hardly believe it myself that he had seen such change in such a short amount of time, and from that day forward I knew that I wanted to change as many lives as I possibly could.


Get in touch directly with Eden to discuss your needs.

© 2023